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Developer ExperienceSession Presentations

CANCELLED: GraphQL for Everbody: The GraphQL LSP - Rikki Schulte, Formel Skin

Tuesday, September 10 / 04:20p.m. PDT - 04:50p.m. PDT

The GraphQL language services and the LSP power so much editor tooling! The GraphQL community spans many many language communities, making the challenges of supporting an ecosystem to support the many use cases and approaches expansive and exciting. The specification continues to evolve, and so do many user driven innovations! Learn how this ecosystem was born, open sourced, and evolved to be what it is today - learn about some of the most powerful features of IDE clients for our language server, like vscode-graphql which we adopted from Diveyndu Singh. You'll also learn whats around the corner, for example joining forces with the guild to build a cross language tag parser in rust! At the end of the session there will be time for questions and ideas!